Wednesday, December 30, 2009


My neice Katie made these delicious cupcakes for Thanksgiving. They are very rich but yummy. The best part is how easy they are to make.

1 German Chocolate Cake mix
Mix as directed and bake cupcakes
When cooled. Poke a hole in the center oc each cupcake. Fairly large, like the size of a dime.
Fill center of each cupcake with Caramel Ice Cream topping.
Spray the top of each cup cake with whipped cream and sprinkle with toffee chips. DIG IN FOLKS
Make for a cute center piece for your party table.

1 comment:

  1. That is a darling idea! i make this cake all the time BUT cupcakes!? HOW FUN!! and delicious! i bet these are A HIT EVERY TIME! mmmm
