Friday, October 23, 2009


Ingredients 3.4-ounce box vanilla pudding mix (instant)Jelly beans (black)LifeSavers Gummies Plastic eggs (the small size)2 empty egg cartons Instructions Prepare the pudding according to the package directions. For each eye, fit a jelly bean into the center of a LifeSavers Gummies candy and place it in the bottom of a plastic egg half.Fill the egg cup with the pudding, then place the egg halves in an egg carton in the freezer until they're firm (about 3 hours).Remove the egg halves from the freezer and let them sit at room temperature for about 3 to 5 minutes.With the back of a fork, gently press down on the edge of the pudding, rolling the frozen ball out of the egg cup. If you're not serving them right away, place the eyes in a freezer-safe dish in the freezer until you're ready.Recipe makes 24 eyeballs.

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